Some of the top reasons voiced from First Responders not wanting to seek counseling are: Both of these reasons along with the examples are all
It can be difficult to talk about a serious topic such as first responder mental health and wellness, including our increasing suicide rate, substance abuse, depression/anxiety, the hard calls, and the everyday stresses of the job. This taboo topic will never go away until we can break the stigma attached to it, including the “suck it up” mentality!
We realize that this topic can be hard to discuss and may even trigger some people. Therefore, we also like to share positive, motivational, happy, or funny memes, gifs, articles, along with self-help tips, pics and more to remind you that it’s equally important to find something that makes you smile, makes you happy, makes you laugh or gives you the warm fuzzies inside. Laughter is natural medicine for the soul after all! 🙂
We are committed to ongoing self-education and providing educational resources to departments.
As first responders, our team is trained in multiple disciplines and continuously seeks new education to assist our fellow first responders better.
We utilize social media, attend events, and spread the word to raise awareness on these important issues.
We've gathered a list of providers to help when you want to speak to a professional.
You can learn more about us, what our dream is and our mission.
Some of the top reasons voiced from First Responders not wanting to seek counseling are: Both of these reasons along with the examples are all
Did you know that first responders are some of the most resilient people? When people experience a traumatic event, every human has a natural automatic